Our Impact 2017-2020

Our Impact, 2017-2020

Through extensive needs assessments, listening sessions, and surveys, the NRC identified systemic gaps in service delivery, highlighting mistrust of mainstream services, cultural incompetence, and limited partnerships between mainstream and community-based organizations.

To address these challenges, the NRC implemented a multi-faceted approach, including capacity-building initiatives, technical assistance, and resource development. It hosted national conferences, in-person and virtual trainings, and launched a mini-grant program to financially support fourteen innovative, community-driven solutions.

Over 4,000 consultations and 73 virtual trainings were conducted. The NRC also developed more than 120 resources, such as toolkits, training guides, and impact briefs, tailored to enhance service providers’ ability to deliver trauma-informed, culturally-attuned services.

Of more than 43,000 professionals and crime survivors reached by the NRC’s trainings and resources, 88% said they were making practice or policy changes as a result.  

Read about our 2019 grant-making program 

The success of the NRC demonstrates the potential for a collaborative, community-centered approach to transform victim services and ensure equitable access to support for all survivors. However, despite great progress, there remains much work to be done in breaking down systemic inequities and mistrust, developing sustainable partnerships between mainstream and culturally specific organizations, and expanding funding for grassroots programs.