
  • Strategies for Identifying Who is Underserved

    Community-led conversations could close the gap of justice and healing. Olga Trujillo, from Caminar Latino shares strategies to center survivors with the hope that they can be positioned to lead …
  • Understanding and Reaching Crime Victims with Incarceration Histories: A Webinar for VOCA Assistance Administrators

    Understanding and Reaching Crime Victims with Incarceration Histories: A Webinar for VOCA Assistance Administrators Part One From broader perspectives and insights, we dive deeper into the barriers and challenges that …
  • Enhancing Language Access within a Child Advocacy Center Setting

    Victim service providers commonly identify communication as one of the many barriers that can impede access to services. Are you a staff or person who promotes safety and healing for …
  • Developing Culturally Responsive, Trauma Informed Services & Responses

    Developing Culturally Responsive, Trauma Informed Services & Responses Part One Through story-telling, advocates and systems will link culture, trauma, and healing. Language, food, customs, identities, spiritual beliefs, and other cultural …